Proudly Established 1980
Bandsaws circular saws Knives alignments Saws Knives Chipper Band Saws Guides Flakers Saws
Troubleshootinng saws knives consumables Saws Chipper Knives Sawshop machinery Saws Saws Saws
Carbide Tips, Strobes (all tips pre tinned and unground)
Flux, Stellite Tips, Inserted teeth, Shanks, Wrenches
WGC Series Tips 3/8" long (9.525mm) x 1/8" thick TCT, Sizes from .200" kerf to .310" Kerf
WFC Series Tips 1/2" long (12.7mm) x 1/8" thick TCT, Sizes from .130" Kerf to .500" Kerf
WRC Series Tips 9/16" Long (14.288mm) x 1/8" thick TCT, Sizes from .230" kerf to .350" kerf
C5138 Series Tips 14mm long x 4mm thick Sizes from .230" Kerf to .380" Kerf
TCT Strobe Tips 1" long (25.4mm) x 1/8" thick Sizes from .200" kerf to .240" kerf
Tenacity Flux
Kodiak and Grizzly Tips and inserts
Stellite for Armstrong Tippers,Sizes available from .150" to .250" Kerf
Inserted Teeth
Shanks, Most sizes available ex Stock.
TCT teeth, 3/8" > 9/32" ex stock
Stellite teeth, some stock, this product is nearing the end of manufacture.
Replacement Pins
Other sizes availlable on request for all above products listed.

B&F Pattern Shanks and Bits