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Proudly Established 1980
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Portland, Oregon USA
28-30th Sept. 2022
In September, Chris travelled over to the USA to attend the Timber Processing And Energy Expo. This was a great opportunity to meet with our American Suppliers and in most cases put a face to the name.
One of our largest suppliers, the Wood Fibre Group has recently renamed to Burton Mill Solutions. Under this banner falls Simonds International, Burton Saw & Supply, BGR Saws, Cut Technologies, U.S. Blades, Armstrong, Global Tooling and Wright Machines.
Before the show commenced Chris got the chance to visit Burtons new facility in Springfield, OR as well as the Ridgefield, WA site.
Chris also met with Sharp Tool Company, Roseburg Saw & Knife and Peerless Saw Company.
Although he was only there for a week, Chris was able to discuss with each of our suppliers future requirements for our Australasian customers and ways we can strive to improve and diversify after what has been a challenging two years.

Some of the crew at The Burton Mill Solutions stand - L to R: Matt Elmore -Product Mgr, Narrow Bandsaw Blades
Dave Purinton - VP Marketing
Joel Raffensberger - Service Technician, South USA
Dana Norman - Service Technician, West Canada
Scott Witters - Product Mgr, Filing Room Equipment & Service
Eddie Collins - Director of Sales & Service, South USA

L to R - John Kluge of Global Tooling, Sandra Lopez and Brad Lecher of Burton Mill Solutions with Chris in the Springfield facility

Michael and Chris of The Sharp Tool Co.

Katrina Lines and husband Tyler of Roseburg Saw & Tool with Warren Bird, previous owner of California Saw & Knife Works - now owned by Roseburg.
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