Proudly Established 1980
Bandsaws circular saws Knives alignments Saws Knives Chipper Band Saws Guides Flakers Saws
Troubleshootinng saws knives consumables Saws Chipper Knives Sawshop machinery Saws Saws Saws
Phoenix Supply Company is committed to supplying our customers the best Quality products, along with being the most reliable and cost effective solutions for all Sawmilling and Sawshop requirements

Our team has over 100 years of combined experience in the Timber Industry.
Including, Sales, Management Services, Sawdoctoring, Quality Control, Sawmill and Sawshop Auditing, Technical advice plus Service and Supply throughout the entire South Pacific.
Phoenix Sawmill Supply Company was established in 1980, to produce Circular Saws of exceptional quality for Sawmillers and Sawdoctors alike.
The 6 original employees held Senior Positions at Spear and Jackson Australia and used their expertise and professionalism to launch Phoenix into a company that has since become recognised worldwide.
Kevin Richardson, our Owner, has always been meticulous towards the Quality of the products Phoenix is renowned for, throughout the changes to our Industry.
Since the earliest days, Our Company has sourced products of superior Quality and has been encouraged to supply an increasingly diverse range of products to the Sawmilling and other Industries by our ever increasing Loyal Customer base. Other Industries include but are not limited to:
Pulp and Paper
MDF and Particle board
Timber finishing
Tree Recycling
Plastics Recycling
Wood Panels
Mobile Chipper's